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Directory of Classes

Classes | Instructors : A - Z

Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
Computer/TechCybersecurity &Cloud EngineeringProf. Zana@thecybrlab
Computer/TechPC Building 101Prof. Lay@thelaymarie
Computer/TechBlockchain 101: Empowering the Black Community through BlockchainInstr. Giovani@giovanisbb
Computer/TechBenevolent A.I. 101Instr. Global Lightworker@global_lightworker
Computer/TechFundamentals of Healthcare ITInstr. Hannah@hannahade_2
Computer/TechIntro to AIInstr. Sharrica@justbeingsharrica
Computer/TechIT FundamentalsInstr. Kerline Jean-Pierre@kerlinjeanpierre2
Computer/TechExploring Spirituality through TechProf. Laura@laurawayxo
Computer/TechMOS 101: Excel, Word, PPT, OutlookProf. May Day@maydayduh
CosmetologyYour Skin MattersProf. Alva@alvachats
CosmetologyNail Tech 101Prof. Dez@dezdoesnails
CosmetologyBlack Beauty CultureDr. Shane@dr.beautyculture
CosmetologyThe Art of Wax & Skin: A Master Class in Intimate CareInstr. Lashanna@thewaxidol
CosmetologyLearning How to do Your Own Hair 101Prof. Yelista@theyelitsa
CosmetologyOlfactory Arts 101: The Freshman Fragrance that Helps Make ScentsInstr. Dante@everyday.consumer
CosmetologyBraiding for BeginnersInstr.
CosmetologyBeauty Practices for Self CareProf. Pettis@jaliadp
CosmetologyIntro to Pro GlamInstr. Joelle Phillips@joellephillips
CosmetologyCosmetology: The Study of the Structure & Composition of HairInstr. Kearse@kearse7
CosmetologyWig Making 101Instr. Ms. K@lifeasyinka
CosmetologyMakeup 101Instr. Ms.
Culinary ArtsCulinary Foundations & Baking 101Prof. Geneva Johnson@ninednineconfections
Culinary ArtsBaking 101Prof. Mercy@ohmercymercime
Culinary ArtsMake it Vegan One Meal at a TimeDr. Taffy@apickyvegan

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