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Finance : A - Z
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Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
FinanceBudgeting 101Prof. Alacia Campbell@alacia.campbell
FinanceFinances: 101Instr. Miss B@b.budgeted
FinanceIntro to CryptocurrencyProf. Chrissy@chrissypips
FinanceIntro to Intersectional Home EconomicsProf. Danita Platt@danitaplatt
FinanceFinancial LiteracyProf. Gee@digitallygee
FinanceAccounting 101Dr. Williams-Lamar@doctheeprofessor
FinanceFinancial Health 101Dr. Traci@healthywealthyroots
FinanceFinancial Therapy HealingProf. Miko@influencehermindset/
FinancePreMarital Financial�Prof. Miko@influencehermindset
FinancePsychology of Money 101Prof. Micki@moneywithmicki
FinanceInvesting 101Prof. Greg@nonmwensegreg
FinanceIntroduction to AccountingProf. Nance@professor_nance
FinanceCredit Education 101Prof. Janiesha O�Connor@readystartgro
FinanceIntro to Building Wealth Through the US Tax CodeInstr. The Moneynista@the_moneynista
FinanceFinancial Literacy 101Prof. Brooks@thurman.brooks.cp
FinanceMilitary Benefits and Financial Management Prof. Nae @urfavcouzzin

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