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Directory of Classes

Classes | Instructors : A - Z

Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
EnglishIntro to Creative Writing & Harlem Renaissance LiteratureProf. Angela Dye@edensglow
EnglishCreative Works 101 Eloquent Echoes: The Power of African American PoetryProf. Rose@flowersbloom2013
EnglishLGBTQIA+ Creative Writing RecitationInstr. Kamryn@inquizitivekatbooks
EnglishEnglish 1020A: Power & Story TellingProf. Jay@jay.r.dubb
EnglishIntroduction to ComedyDr. Story@juliestory
EnglishMemoir Writing 101Instr. Kadesha Powell [Coack K],@kadesha_ps
EnglishPoetry 101Instr. Lindsey Lavaughn@lindseylavaughn
FilmActing for the CameraInstr. Adetinpo Thomas@adetinpothatsme
FilmBlerd Power 100: Geek Culture as Resistance & InspirationProf. Olivia G.@quirky_geeky
FilmThe Road to BroadwayProf. Ariel@ariel.reid
FilmIntro. to Media StudiesDr. Ashley K Smalls@ashleyksmalls
FilmBlack Film Studies: Black Screens & Black StoriesProf. Rose@roseeoflilith
FilmIntro to Screenwriting 101Prof. Shannan@shannanejohnson
FilmContemporary Black Arts: Vison, Voices, & Movements in AmericaDr. Morris@shayversace
FilmThe Business of ActingInstr. Brittany Mayti@brittanymayti
FilmSelf Publishing 101Instr. Sophia Latriece@sophia_latriece
FilmIntro to PhotographyInstr. Danni@danniharrisphotography
FilmFilm & Television: Black & Romance 1990s - Early 2000sInstr. The Imagination Realm@theimaginationrealm
FilmActing 101: Acting from a Black PerspectiveDr. Iris Goode@dririsgoode
FilmThe Black Image in MediaDr. Goode@dririsgoode
FilmDrama Therapy for EntrepreneursProf. Naylah@virtuallynaylah
FilmScreenwriting LabInstr. Krys@zabicreativestudio
FilmGLA 625: History of PhotographyProf. Breionna@ilovemybeautii_
FilmSoul, Cinema & Music: Celebration of Black History Month through FilmProf. Reedsha@missreeshacosby

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