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Directory of Classes

Classes | Instructors : A - Z

Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
BusinessIntro to Gaming Culture & TechnologyInstr. ElleDotMo@elledotmo
BusinessEmail Marketing 101Instr. Shanae@emailqueendaily
BusinessSuccessful Private PracticeInstr. Shauna A.@thedelightfulclinician
BusinessAccreditation ProgramDr. Kyera Williams@
BusinessAI for Business. Mrs. Jones@perfectflowbusinesscoach
BusinessSmall Business Success 101Prof. Tanya Taylor@tanyataylorcpa
BusinessThe Black Girl Magic Course: The Online Mrkieting Ed.Dr. Shade@heydrshade
BusinessEntrepreneurship 101Prof. KJ Miller@iam_kjmiller
BusinessDigital Planning 101Instr. Marsha@isismoondesigns
BusinessDSA 101: Foundations of Digital Income StreamsProf. Brianna Lavae@itsbriannalavae
BusinessBusiness Admin 101Prof. D.@itsmedee_02
BusinessGrant Writing 101Instr. Jessica@jestingandthings1
BusinessIntro to Property ManagementProf. Karissa@karissa_spann
BusinessBuying Land 101Instr. Mocawas@kocanut333
BusinessIntro to MarketingInstr. Moore@ladykmoore
BusinessInfulencing 101Instr. Maryann@melanated_barbielove
Computer/TechAI Made Easy: Practical Tools for Everyday LifeProf. Lenese@p.lenese
Computer/TechIntro to Software DevelopmentProf. Kenny@almostengr
Computer/TechCybersecurity 101Instr. alovetko@alovetko
Computer/TechProductivity Tools with Microsoft 365Prof. David@prof.david7
Computer/TechRace and AIDr. Quincy Hodges@quincyahodges
Computer/TechHuman-Computer Interaction: UX Principles & Desing for Marginalized CommunitiesDr. Lucretia Williams@realwithlu
Computer/TechHow to Break Into TechInstr. Charlotte Chaze@charlottechaze
Computer/TechCloud/Cybersecurity/Tech 101Instr. Jen@codecodeworld

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