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History : A - Z
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Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
HistoryIntro to African American StudiesDr. Barlow@afamstudies
HistoryIntro to ResistanceInstr. Abiola Agoro@ahbeeolah
HistoryRestorative Justice as a Form of Resistance and Responding to HarmDr. D@ahhh_motherland
HistoryTracing Our Legacy: An African American Family HistoryInstr. Toni@antoinettegotattitude
HistoryHistory of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany [1935-1945],Instr. Tobi Flick@auntiestay
HistoryCreative Culture 101Prof. Breeze@bn.breeze
HistoryIntro to Modern US Colonialism: Puerto Rico & Disaster CapitalismInstr. Amanda@boricuapolonia
HistoryRace & Rights: AA and the Evolution of the US ConstitutionProf. Dani@danilyn_redefined
HistoryThe Intentional Life: A People's History in America 101 and Tranformative Black EducationDr. Deneen@dr.deneenspeaks
HistoryLatin American Studies from 1804 -2000Instr. Ellae@ellaequeue
HistoryLatino Studies 101Dr. Ester Trujillio@entrujillo
HistoryInternationalization at HBCUsDr. Ashleigh@globe_aleigh
HistoryIntro to African American StudiesDr. K@heyunclekev
HistoryChicane/a/o Studies 101Instr. T.A.@historiagal
HistoryWorld History 101Instr. @hotdamhistorian
HistoryPopular Culture Through the Black Collective LensProf. Liz Gilliam@itseg616
HistoryHBCU Foundations & PhilanthropyDr. Johnetha Lindsey@Johnetha Lindsey
HistoryBlack History, Culture and Traditions 204Prof. K@kwanzaame
HistoryHistorical Thought: Through the Lens of the Black American ExperienceInstr. Ladikreyol@ladirkeyol
HistoryCracking the Culture Code 101: Cultural Sensitivity & AdvocayInstr. Leah Forney@leahmforney
HistoryBlack History is World HistoryProf. Mariah@mariahyoung21
HistorySpecial Topics: Black Historical Figures in STEMProf. Young@mariahyoung21
HistoryCulture Check 101: Living, Leading, and Learning with PurposeProf. Marla Speaks@msmarlahunter
HistoryHistory of New Orleans 101Instr. Mrs. C@neworleanshistory

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