Subject | Class Title | Instructor | TikTok |
Computer/Tech | Intro to Software Development | Prof. Kenny | @almostengr |
Computer/Tech | Cybersecurity 101 | Instr. alovetko | @alovetko |
Computer/Tech | How to Break Into Tech | Instr. Charlotte Chaze | @charlottechaze |
Computer/Tech | Cloud/Cybersecurity/Tech 101 | Instr. Jen | @codecodeworld |
Computer/Tech | Blockchain 101: Empowering the Black Community through Blockchain | Instr. Giovani | @giovanisbb |
Computer/Tech | Benevolent A.I. 101 | Instr. Global Lightworker | @global_lightworker |
Computer/Tech | Fundamentals of Healthcare IT | Instr. Hannah | @hannahade_2 |
Computer/Tech | Intro to AI | Instr. Sharrica | @justbeingsharrica |
Computer/Tech | IT Fundamentals | Instr. Kerline Jean-Pierre | @kerlinjeanpierre2 |
Computer/Tech | Exploring Spirituality through Tech | Prof. Laura | @laurawayxo |
Computer/Tech | MOS 101: Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook | Prof. May Day | @maydayduh |
Computer/Tech | AI Made Easy: Practical Tools for Everyday Life | Prof. Lenese | @p.lenese |
Computer/Tech | Productivity Tools with Microsoft 365 | Prof. David | @prof.david7 |
Computer/Tech | Race and AI | Dr. Quincy Hodges | @quincyahodges |
Computer/Tech | Human-Computer Interaction: UX Principles & Desing for Marginalized Communities | Dr. Lucretia Williams | @realwithlu |
Computer/Tech | Cybersecurity &Cloud Engineering | Prof. Zana | @thecybrlab |
Computer/Tech | PC Building 101 | Prof. Lay | @thelaymarie |