Panthers Family

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About Us -

The Hillmantok University Community

The community website allows people to come together in an organized way and form new bonds as we transform the lives of people in the community all around the world.

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Hello Panther Family !

My name is Nikki and I have 3 things that I am super passionate about:

1. Unity for progressive growth.
2. Web Programming
3. Continued learning.

Being passionate about something means that you are mentally addicted to working on it OR you have a deep connection to it that reaches as far back asyour childhood _for example, my passion for unified progressive growth. When a video came across my FYP one day that aligned with my passion and I saw there was no website or easy to navigate presentation of what had started on a whim, I couldn't help but assign myself the duty of making it easyfor people like me who cannot follow through with anything that is not well-organized.

I went ahead and bought a domain and hosting; then I opened Microsoft Word and started writing out a plan for the website that I would build. I spent some hours making website friendly versions of the logo that I had to work with. Went to sleep, then within less than 48 hours, I saw on TikTok that somechanges had been made that could potentially affect how people respond to me launching a website for the community.

What started as fun and (a few) satire videos, had quickly evolved into something more serious and a whole committee was formed. On top of that, some people not related to the Panther mission had bought a domain and took actions to do what they (business vultures) are trained to do since birth _capitalize on Black work. And in the midst of this, the committee also gets a domain while I am already at work building a website for this fictitiousschool that started with a lot of humorous videos at first.

One day in January, I kept seeing these humorous videos on TikTok portraying a fictitious college university and inspired by a well-known television show that was very popular in the 80s or 90s (can't remember exactly); and had a great theme song whose lyrics I am just now really paying attention to by-the-way. It was right around the time that we had a 12 hour disconnect from the app. My forward thinking mind said to me "you need to build a website straight away because this is a great unification thing happening and you don't want to rely on TikTok to keep this going."

I decided to keep doing what I started and make sure I am transparent that I am not a founder or on any committee. I am a 44 year old woman who has dreamed about Black people rising from the ashes since childhood; and I love web programming and development. I'm also an introvert and unofficial autistic which means I am not gifted in being social. When it comes to conversing with others, I feel awkward if I am not with you face-to-face. In other words, I don't like holding phone conversations or trying to make connections with people I cannot see. In the year 2025, I intend to break out of my shell. But in all honestly, I am used to being a lone ranger jack (and master) of many trades. When I started building this website, I did not foresee that something born of fiction was going form a full fledge committee and be at war with business vultures who saw an opportunity to capitalize on Black brilliance. THIS website is now what I call "THE COMMUNITY WEBSITE" in order to differentiate it from what has been deemed the "official website". This website is very organized data stored in a database hosted on this domain for all-in-one access to everything the instructors/students needs to easily access/manage courses and course material instead of everything scattered across several platforms with thousands of links to materials also hosted on a different platforms. THIS is built as an all-in-one soultion for the community, so that is why I call it "THE COMMUNITY WEBSITE" for Hillmantok University students and instructors.

I am not a committed student nor a teacher, but I defiantly want to be a student when my time allows. I have decided to launch this as a sister branch since until further notice, this is still a master piece that was formed from fiction and not from the mind of any single person can claim this orignated singly from their brain or that they started and organized this in an official way from the jump start except maybe the producers of "A Different World". I will link to the official website so there is no confusion.

Something as monumental as this organization deserves a dedicated website built by professionals like me with over 2 decades of webdevelopment experience vs a cheap looking, undeveloped or underdeveloped website. Businesses who want quality websites built pay thousands to professional designers. People who venture to build websites using tools vs paying a professional will have cheap looking websites. And that is okay in some situations. But I think we deserve better. So, my contribution to THE HILLMANTTOK PANTHERS is to work like I was getting paid for this (although I am not).

Enough said. Here is a brief tour. It's all the information you needed in a database which makes it easy to present the data to students or teachers in an organized way. Login, pick your course. Make sure you follow the instructor on TikTok and any relevant material can be posted on the courses page. Instead of overloading one person the task of organizing all courses, the teacher can login to their account, upload course material and or link to it. I think this makes it easy for everyone _teachers and students.

This -> is a subdomain that I created to have a social space for the communiity. I guess it is kind of like Discord but I find forum websites to be too crowded/busy for me to navigate easy. I think simple (easy on the eyes) is better when it comes to a community platform.

Important to note: I did not want to announce the launch of an empty community website (cause it would just look dead/weird), so I created some accounts for real users who are on TikTok. I then asked them to take over the accounts. Maybe someone reading this is one of those accounts that I created.

The community website is a place on a platform that won't be shut down or taken away unless the internet itself is shutdown.

Why We Need A Website Like THIS

Have you noticed that the main questions people have when they first learn about Hillmantok are "How do I enroll" or "where can I find *****?" As a neurodivergent person, the task of having to piece together something that is not already put together made me not join the classes that I am interested in. Trust, there are a lot of people like me _who need ALL of that scattered data in one very organized space like a website. When someone wants to sign up, it should be an easy process; and that is another reason that I built this website.

That's it! I am waiting to hear what you guys think 😊 ♥

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