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Physical Education : A - Z
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Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
Physical EducationHealth and FitnessCoach. Adaugo@aakwaakal
Physical EducationIntroduction to YogaProf. Brown@cbrownyoga
Physical EducationYoga 201Instr. Brown@cbrownyoga
Physical EducationTrack & FieldCoach. Jay@coachjayjones15
Physical EducationIntro to PilatesCoach. Robin@coachrobinrenee
Physical EducationIntro to P.E. 101Coach. Baker@d..baker.cpt
Physical EducationNutrition and Fitness 101Coach. Ebony@ebony_ynobe
Physical EducationWellness & Fitness 101Prof. Ebony@ebony_ynobe
Physical EducationIntro to SwimmingInstr. Beginner Swimming
Physical EducationModern Dance 101Prof. Pearl@just_pearl29
Physical EducationTraditional West African DanceProf. Faulkner@justkneeshay
Physical EducationIntro to Dance 101Prof. Blair@maleugccreatorblair
Physical EducationWellness on the WebProf. Kim@mindfullykim
Physical EducationBiblical Dance Studies 101Prof. Reddish@movementministrymentor
Physical EducationPsychology of InjuryProf. Shelby@shelbybaezatc
Physical EducationStrength Training 101Coach. Toya@toyatimber
Physical EducationIntro to the African American DietProf. Truth@truth.shetold
Physical EducationYoga 101Prof. Ashley@whoaskedashley_
FitnessPhysical EducationProf. Jamal Akil @jmlakl

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