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Directory of Classes

Classes | Instructors : A - Z

Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
ElectivesFundamentals of DesignInstr. Arqwell@arqwell101
ElectivesBuilding Wealth through Real EstateProf. Maggie@real_estatemaggie
ElectivesMoving Abroad 101Prof. B@sheisimanib
ElectivesReal Estate 101Instr. Realtor Sona@sonassunni
ElectivesFighting the Patriarchy 101: A Lesson in White RebellionProf. Blunt@christinablunt6
ElectivesAfrican-Americana Food StudiesInstr. Sidnee Byrd@stopit_sid
ElectivesSTEM Careers 101Dr. Pittman@drfpittman
ElectivesBasics of Real Estate 1031Prof. Smith@tiktokuser082906171122
ElectivesCultural Intelligence 101Dr. tia@drtiakey
ElectivesReal Estate Practices 101Prof. Palms@gym_mom_03
ElectivesInterior Design 101Prof. Morrow@jennadmorrow
ElectivesInterior Design 101Instr. Shane V. Charles@mildsauceshane
ElectivesSoap Opera Acting Discussion & Writing 101: Emphasis on Black ActressesProf. Melody@missmelodyxoxo
EnglishFoundations in LiteratureProf. Knight@24kcoachqueen
EnglishCreative Writing 101Prof.
EnglishCrafting Stories 101Prof. Shaw@author_dimonickshaw
EnglishWriting for Fun and Advocacy 101Prof. Erica@riterzbloc
EnglishLeisure Studies 301: Relax, Relate, Release & ReadInstr. Lindsey@booksandbanter
EnglishProfessional Writing 101Prof. Briona Lamback@brionaal
EnglishAmerican LiteratureProf. Jessica Tee@teachmstee
EnglishOctavia E. Butler Mixtape: Part 1Dr. Briana Whiteside@thebookofbriana
EnglishJournalism 101- Breaking the Noise: Modern Era Journalism & PoliticsProf. Blaise Gainey@thegaineyreport
EnglishAdvanced Storytelling 143: How to Build Authentic, Meaningful Connections in DatingProf. Jasmine Diaz@thejasminediaz
EnglishBook Writing 101Prof. Toni@tonistedtalk

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