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Directory of Classes

Classes | Instructors : A - Z

Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
BusinessEntrepreneurship 101Instr. Rosie@roseireecollection
BusinessEntrepreneurship 102Instr. Rosie@roseireecollection
BusinessWorkday Project Management 101Instr. Bianca@beeanca411
BusinessThe Black Dollar 101: Leveraging the Power of the Black DollarProf. Robinson Sr.@blackdollarrobinson
BusinessGrants for Black Women Small Business Owners 101Dr. AJ Austin @blackwomeningrants
BusinessLeadership 101Prof. Brett Random@brett.random.msw
BusinessCustomer Service 101Instr. Brocka@brocka11
BusinessSmall Business 101Instr. MedSpa Accountant@smallbizbookkeeper
BusinessPrinciples of ManagementDr. Cash@chocolatedoctorate
BusinessContent 101Coach. Chrissy@chrissyspeaksss
BusinessChatGPT 101Instr. Mesha@cocoatwinsontt
BusinessBRD 102: Intro to BrandingDr. T@contreciatharpe
BusinessMKT 101: Into to Marketing & CommunicationDr. T@contreciatharpe
BusinessSOCM 201: Social Media for EnterprisesDr. T@contreciatharpe
BusinessBuild Your Course or Digital ProductInstr. Shana@creativedisrupther
BusinessIntro to CanvaInstr. Creative Quelz@creativequelz
BusinessPeople AnalyticsProf. Kenni@the_kdr_analytics
BusinessNetworking 101Prof. France@theashleyfrancetv
BusinessBusiness 104: Intro to Black EntrepreneurshipDr. Lucas@thebusinessdr
BusinessEntrepreneurship 102Prof. De Asia@deashaceo
BusinessBranding 101Instr. cocoatwinsontt@designsbydonellia
BusinessPrivate Practice Management for Mental HealthProf. Shauna@thedelightfulclinician
BusinessCanva 101Prof. Bri@thedigitalqueenpreneur
BusinessProject ManagementProf. TAW@umtaw15

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