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Classes | Instructors : A - Z

Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
Health/HealthcareWomb WellnessInstr. Midwife Mimi@wombcycle
Health/HealthcareHolistic Health 101Prof. YaShaun@yashauninspires
Health/HealthcareChild Birth Education 101Instr. Yourblackdoula@yourblackdoula
Health/HealthcareNutrition 101Instr. @foodoverpharmacy
Health/HealthcareHealth 101Dr. Niksayword@nikkisayword
Health/HealthcareCNA 101instr. Lele@funn_times_2
Health/HealthcareSoul Construction: Disrupting Emotional DysfunctionProf. Harriet Harris@harrietmharrismba
Health/HealthcareGoddess Herbalism 101Prof. Giovanna McNealy@magikal_wombman
Health/HealthcareHealing My Four BodiesProf. Mendez@ilm_solutions
Health/HealthcareIntroduction to Disability StudiesProf. Ashley@intentionallyashley
Health/HealthcareNutrition for BeginnersProf. Jackie Yvonne@jackieyvonnenutrition
Health/HealthcareHealth Insurance 101Prof. Danyell@jada_danyell
Health/HealthcareSoul Construction: Disrupting Emotional DysfunctionProf. Shelby Frederick@ladyjewels
Health/HealthcareIntro to Traditional MidwiferyProf. Ashley@leauxlinewellness
Health/HealthcareCulinary NutritionProf. Bell@marianh0804
Health/HealthcareHealth 101: Sex EducationInstr. Nurse
HistoryCulture Check 101: Living, Leading, and Learning with PurposeProf. Marla Speaks@msmarlahunter
HistoryHistory of New Orleans 101Instr. Mrs. C@neworleanshistory
HistoryIntro to African American StudiesDr. Barlow@afamstudies
HistoryIntro to ResistanceInstr. Abiola Agoro@ahbeeolah
HistoryRestorative Justice as a Form of Resistance and Responding to HarmDr. D@ahhh_motherland
HistoryWest Africa to the Carolinas: The Legacy of Rice CultivationInstr. Port City@portcityvibes
HistoryTracing Our Legacy: An African American Family HistoryInstr. Toni@antoinettegotattitude
HistoryHistory of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany [1935-1945],Instr. Tobi Flick@auntiestay

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