Subject | Class Title | Instructor | TikTok |
Physical Education | Introduction to Yoga | Prof. Brown | @cbrownyoga |
Physical Education | Yoga 201 | Instr. Brown | @cbrownyoga |
Physical Education | Track & Field | Coach. Jay | @coachjayjones15 |
Physical Education | Intro to Pilates | Coach. Robin | @coachrobinrenee |
Physical Education | Intro to P.E. 101 | Coach. Baker | @d..baker.cpt |
Physical Education | Strength Training 101 | Coach. Toya | @toyatimber |
Physical Education | Intro to the African American Diet | Prof. Truth | @truth.shetold |
Physical Education | Nutrition and Fitness 101 | Coach. Ebony | @ebony_ynobe |
Physical Education | Wellness & Fitness 101 | Prof. Ebony | @ebony_ynobe |
Physical Education | Yoga 101 | Prof. Ashley | @whoaskedashley_ |
Physical Education | Intro to Swimming | Instr. Beginner Swimming Lessons | |
Physical Education | Modern Dance 101 | Prof. Pearl | @just_pearl29 |
Physical Education | Traditional West African Dance | Prof. Faulkner | @justkneeshay |
Physical Education | Intro to Dance 101 | Prof. Blair | @maleugccreatorblair |
Physical Education | Wellness on the Web | Prof. Kim | @mindfullykim |
Physical Education | Biblical Dance Studies 101 | Prof. Reddish | @movementministrymentor |
Political Science | Government | Prof. Jules | @doseofjuli |
Professional Development | Inner Child 101 | Prof. Atiya | @omg.atiya |
Professional Development | Pages & Pathways | Prof. R'Chelle Lynn | @rchellelynn |
Professional Development | The Art of Reignbow Alchemy: Transforming Programs into Power | Instr. Intsructor Reignbow Rose | @reignbow_rose |
Professional Development | Intro to Time Management | Instr. Miss Lowry | @coco_drift |
Professional Development | Intro to Trust & Estate Planning | Prof. Drew | @theegirldrew |
Professional Development | Wellness 205 - Personal Growth & Glow Up Mastery | Instr. Tiana Penni | @tianapenni |
Professional Development | Workforce Development & Career Services | Instr. Miss Thomas | @totalic_wfd |