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Directory of Classes

Classes | Instructors : A - Z

Subject Class TitleInstructorTikTok
SociologyCBE 101: Building Confidence for Birth and ParentingInstr. YourBlackDoula@yourblackdoula
SociologyIntro. to Black Feminist Thought & the Politics of IdentityDr. C@facowley25
SociologyFeminism in Southern Hip HopDr. Jalisa Jones@jaesofamous
SociologyFeminism in Southern Hip HopDr. Jones@jaesofamous
SociologyThe Developing AdultProf. Nelson@justingnelson
SociologyIntro to Human Behavior: NeurodivergenceDr. Kori Gaila@korigaila
SociologyUnderstanding & Influencing Human BehaviorProf. RichelleDixon@mental_playbook
SociologyAutism Parenting 101Prof. Kenjra@misskenjra
SociologyDND: Deconstructing N8ggas in the DiasporaProf. Tina@missxtinab
SociologyChild Welfare 101Prof. Moore@mr.socialworker12
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsRootwork as Resistance: Hoodoo History 101Instr. Mis Dindi [miss Jin-Jee],@mynameisnotgirl
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsBlack Spirituality 101Prof. Iya@niyahshalom
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsBlack Religion & SpiritualityProf. Darling@danidar1ing
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsSpiritual DevelopmentInstr. Iya Efunranti@thechasitymillen
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsIntro to Spirituality 101Prof. Ebony@TheEbonyMystic
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsSelf Love, Intuition, Neurodivergent, Candle Magic, Planetary Charts & Astrology Break DownInstr. @theglowupdiva
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsAstrology 101Instr. Pam Awesome [Newman],@awesomeeveryday31
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsSpirituality 101Instr. Goddess@goddess_nicola
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsSpiritual Beauty 101Prof. MaShani Allen@mashaniallen
Spirituality & Mystic ArtsAstrology 101Instr. Grace Alana@moonruledmami
TheologyMulticultural CounselingInstr. Roses are Blue@rosesareblue
TheologyBiblical Studies 101Prof. Jackson@billyandyolanda
TheologyIntro into Biblical Terminology, Etymology & Deeper MeaningsProf. Danielle Brown@sheissekhmet
TheologyDiverse Ethics in a Global ChurchProf. Wratee@byrenrawtea7

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