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Instructors at Hillmantok University

Meet Our Instructors

Featured Instructors

Dr. Barlow
Intro to African American Studies
Dr. Brittany Anderson
Re-Intro to Health
Prof. Bundt Buddy
Intro to Baking 101
Prof. Thruman Brooks
Financial Literacy 101
Prof. Jackie Yvonne
Nutrition for Beginners
Coach Marshall
Physical Education
Prof. Dominique
Gardening 101
Prof. Touré`
The Pre-History of Hiphop
Prof. Hamner
Firearms 101
Prof. Kamil Gerald
Intro American Sign Language
Prof. Tanya Taylor CPA
Small Business Success 101
Prof. Danielle Obiorah
Federal Employee Rights 101
Prof. Tiana Penni
Wellness 205 - Personal Growth & Glow Up Mastery
Prof. Vonna
Goddess Herbalism 101
Prof. Anna Broussard
Cognitive Dissonance: Concerning A.A. Women 101

Classes | Instructors

      391 Instructors
InstructorClass Title
Prof. Jamie Crawford Spanish for Non Native Speakers
Prof. Janiesha O�ConnorCredit Education 101
Prof. Jasmine DiazAdvanced Storytelling 143: How to Build Authentic, Meaningful Connections in Dating
Prof. Javier MelendezSOWK403: Decolonial Approaches to Mental Health
Prof. Javon FordApplied Chemistry in an Urban World 101
Coach. JayTrack & Field
Prof. JayRCO Choir 101
Prof. JayEnglish 1020A: Power & Story Telling
Prof. JazmynCivil Rights 101
Prof. JBAmerican Sign Language
Instr. JenCloud/Cybersecurity/Tech 101
Instr. JessicaGrant Writing 101
Prof. Jessica TeeAmerican Literature
Instr. Joelle PhillipsIntro to Pro Glam
Dr. Johnetha LindseyHBCU Foundations & Philanthropy
Dr. JonesFeminism in Southern Hip Hop
Prof. JonquelIntro to Art Therapy
Instr. JosieCar Maintenance 101
Prof. JoyDrawing 101: Perspective, Portraits and still Life
Prof. JuanyaiHerbalism 101
Prof. JulesGovernment
Dr. KIntro to African American Studies
Prof. KBlack History, Culture and Traditions 204
Instr. Kadesha Powell [Coack K],Memoir Writing 101

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