Instructor | Class Title |
Prof. Mai Brantley | Law 105: Federal Civil Pleadings feat. Celebrity Cases |
Prof. Mariah | Black History is World History |
Dr. Marie | Microbiology 101 |
Prof. Marissa | Sewing 101 |
Prof. Marla Speaks | Culture Check 101: Living, Leading, and Learning with Purpose |
Instr. Marsha | Digital Planning 101 |
Instr. Maryann | Infulencing 101 |
Prof. MaShani Allen | Spiritual Beauty 101 |
Prof. May Day | MOS 101: Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook |
Instr. MedSpa Accountant | Small Business 101 |
Prof. Melody | Soap Opera Acting Discussion & Writing 101: Emphasis on Black Actresses |
Prof. Mendez | Healing My Four Bodies |
Prof. Mercy | Baking 101 |
Instr. Mesha | ChatGPT 101 |
Instr. Mesha Bazemore | AI for Creatives |
Prof. Micki | Psychology of Money 101 |
Instr. Midwife Mimi | Womb Wellness |
Prof. Miko | Financial Therapy Healing |
Prof. Miko | PreMarital Financial� |
Instr. Mis Dindi [miss Jin-Jee], | Rootwork as Resistance: Hoodoo History 101 |
Instr. Miss B | Finances: 101 |
Instr. Miss Lowry | Intro to Time Management |
Instr. Miss Thomas | Workforce Development & Career Services |
Dr. Mo | Foundations of Trauma: Brain, Body & Behavior |