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Hillmantok HTU is a great place to learn and it doesn't cost you a dime out of pocket. Find out how.

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We Are Engineering The Future

Open Enrollment

University students can enroll in any class and find support from each other as well as our great leaders and oustanding professors .

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Transformative education

This is what happens when a bunch of brilliant minds decide to contribute to the same great mission of education.

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Great Education Happening Right Here

There is no better time than now to enhance your education _adding new skills to help you in life, finances, business, health/fitness, communication, and more!

Check out the hundreds of classes that are available.

Learn more about our classes and professors

Classes On Tiktok

Meet some of our instructors and find out why this is a great place for education.

A Mission defined by ingenuity

At Hillmantok University, the mission formed of its own accord when professors with diverse backgrounds took their own inntiative to feed people's hunger for knowledge while operating in a spirit of optimism and unity. Here you'll find a place of dignity and unique expressions of personality from all participants _students, supporters, and unpaid staff. This truly is the opportunity of a lifetime for people to share their knowledge and for others to increase it.

More about The Hillmantok

A Bunch of Great Minds in One Place

A diversity of educators and students found each other on the World Wide Web, creating a unique foundation for an incredible idea. Hillmantok was not born from the mind of one, but out of the cohesion of many.

Class Directory   >

Dr. Barlow Accidently Started A Revolution - Hillmantok University

Students learn online from professors all over the world.

Meet Our Instructors

Featured Instructors

Dr. Barlow
Intro to African American Studies
Dr. Brittany Anderson
Re-Intro to Health
Prof. Bundt Buddy
Intro to Baking 101
Prof. Thruman Brooks
Financial Literacy 101
Prof. Jackie Yvonne
Nutrition for Beginners
Coach Marshall
Physical Education
Prof. Dominique
Gardening 101
Prof. Touré`
The Pre-History of Hiphop
Prof. Hamner
Firearms 101
Prof. Kamil Gerald
Intro American Sign Language
Prof. Tanya Taylor CPA
Small Business Success 101
Prof. Danielle Obiorah
Federal Employee Rights 101
Prof. Tiana Penni
Wellness 205 - Personal Growth & Glow Up Mastery
Prof. Vonna
Goddess Herbalism 101
Prof. Anna Broussard
Cognitive Dissonance: Concerning A.A. Women 101

Learn Anywhere Everywhere Anytime

Leaders Watch This

Obviously as an educator who values education, as somebody who is a professor, I love that so many people are interested in


what classes are being offered and are taking classes. I want to encourage you if you are a leader; if you are a coach, if you are an entrepreneur, if you are anyone who has an expertise in a particular area, I would encourage you to not just be a consumer.

Branding 201

I love this for us. I encourage all of you if you are in whatever business or whatever field to go out there and teach something


that you know. What it really comes down to is we don't have enough confidence in ourselves _in our ability to tell our own story. This always is about us at the core. So I want to encourage you to look back on your own story.

Intro to Photography

Welcome to Hillmantok University Photography 101. I'm Danni Harris your professor.


The Hillmantok University Community

The community website allows people to come together in an organized way and form new bonds as we transform the lives of people in the community all around the world.

Community Registration  >

In The News

video highlights

Hillmantok on Youtube


Intro to Holistic Medicine

Educated black people like me (lots of women) naturally are now on the trend. We are creating our own classes, so definitely check out what's happening in all the different classes. I've seen a really good line up from finance to screen writing to all different types. I saw a sign language one. There's lots of amazingly educated women. Dr. Erica Steele
Watch >


An Education Revolution Sparks on TikTok

I love this for us. I encourage all of you if you are in whatever business or whatever field to go out there and teach something that you know. What it really comes down to is we don't have enough confidence in ourselves _in our ability to tell our own story. This always is about us at the core. So I want to encourage you to look back on your own story.
Watch >


Unexpected Path to Professor & Liberation

Ever felt like giving up on your education or career goals? I discovered a vibrant online community of learners and educators, and my life completely changed.
Watch >

Classes You May Want

JAN 28


FEB 07


Intro to Trust & Estate Planning

Office Hours - SAT @ 11am
JAN 27


Be a Panther

Hillmantok HTU is a great place to learn and it doesn't cost you a dime out of pocket. Find out how.